Author Information

This web site was edited and designed by David Trombley who is solely responsible for the information presented.

David was born, raised and educated in Aberdeen, South Dakota. He attended Northern League games before he had memory of them (in the early 1950's) and through the summer of 1971.

The author has been a member of the Society for American Baseball Research (SABR) since 1993. SABR, as an organization, had no part in the compilation and presentation of the baseball history included in this site. Some individual SABR members provided information which is included.


There are undoubtedly mistakes in the information presented. Please inform the author of any errors or omissions by e-mailing him at It would be much appreciated.

Please feel welcome to provide additional information for this site (i.e. information about the leagues, their cities, team's management, their ball parks, league's histories and the players) by using the above e-mail address. Credit will be given for any information used.

It is hoped that this web site is of value to baseball historians and any average fan who discovers it. Thank you for your support.